“We are very happy with the mobile scene. It has already been on many different jobs in the first couple of months and in many different places – from Oslo, Drammen, Bergen to Trondheim.
We looked everywhere before buying the mobile stage and there were two mobile stages that we thought looked good and matched our specifications. It was the mobile stage from and one from Dansk Mobilscene, but the one from Dansk Mobilscene cost more than twice as much, which made the choice very easy”says
Morten Sollie Hansen, Rental Manager at EHS Proshop A/S.

“Many in the industry advised us against buying a mobile stage from anyone other than Dansk Mobilscene, but it turned out that the mobile stage from is made in a much higher quality than we expected. Scenesalg has all their mobile stages custom-made to meet the new strict Danish legal requirements”.

EHS-Proshop received the first of the new special scenes that have arrived in Norway, and we’ve really been pleasantly surprised by both the usability, how fast the mobile scene is to work with and the quality. It’s solidly and well built. Many people come up and praise it and think it looks great when it’s in use.

It was also a requirement from our side that the mobile stage is certified and approved according to the new Danish 2015 rules, because there are also new rules on the way in Norway, but they will probably not be quite as strict as the Danish ones, which are the strictest in Europe, and gets all their mobile stages approved and certified by the Danish Technological Institute, so that part is completely taken care of.

EHS Proshop highly recommends and their mobile stages. We plan to invest in two mobile stages from within the next two years.
Morten Sollie Hansen, Rental Manager at EHS Proshop A/S, Oslo –


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