Nøvlingskov Efterskole


“We saw two stage systems live and chose Nivtec, because you can set it up with your bare hands – without a lot of couplings and other gear, and Scenesalg is very “Jutlandic” – no grand gestures or sales talk, and we like that here in Jutland”.

Nøvlingskov Efterskole had two stage vendors visit, so they could experience the different stage systems “live” before they made their choice.

“When we saw the scenes being set up, it quickly became clear that it had to be Nivtec. The other system had to be assembled with a lot of couplings, and if we had a scene like that, half of the couplings would end up on the floor afterwards and be lost,” says janitor Harry Frost.

Got the number to an experienced stagehand

Before the purchase, Harry Frost also got the number of a party rental company in central Jutland, who has had Nivtec for many years and who also had experience with other stage systems.

“It was nice to be able to call and talk to an experienced stage rental company without a salesperson in between, and it is his opinion that Nivtec is by far the easiest system to work with.

But actually, Claus from Scenesalg was very “Jutlandic” when he was out showing off the stage. No grand gestures and sales talk, which we like here in Jutland. Overall, we have only positive things to say about both Nivtec and Scenesalg.dk – we can highly recommend them,” says Harry Frost.

Harry Frost, janitor Nøvlingskov Efterskole, Vildbjerg – www.noevlingskov.dk


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