Stage sales since 2000

90% of our customers return

We’re good at consulting and take pride in selling solutions that work and that you will be happy with for many years. We always respect your budget. If we don’t have the right solution for you, we’ll let you know!

Scenesalg aps

Scenesalg ApS. specializes in stages, grandstands and stage equipment such as stands, truss and crowd controllers.

We used to have a large AV company that did events, concerts, trade shows and conferences so we have a lot of experience from the “field” – and know what works at two in the morning – and what solutions don’t.

Since then, grandstand seats, auditorium chairs and telescopic stands have been added, and we’ve become very familiar with them.

Since 2011, we’ve only been selling – both to avoid competing with our customers and to be able to concentrate 100% on sales and consulting.

We know from experience that if you have both rental and sales, the rental jobs come first because they’re always the most urgent. And because we only sell, there only needs to be two of us.

So we can provide better service and advice because you always get to talk to the boss herself. And we have low operating costs, so we can offer great prices.

We also usually answer the phone in the evenings and on weekends, because we know that sometimes it’s urgent – or that it can be difficult to call during regular business hours.


Procurement agreements

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Christina Kabel

Christina is the Head of Scenesalg, and she’s the one who creates all the quotes, takes care of shipment bookings and keeps track of regulations and certifications.

As a trained journalist, she’s used to finding answers to all kinds of questions, even when it comes to complicated rules for the proper registration of mobile scenes at the Finnish Ministry of Transport.

She’s also been setting up stages, stands and crowd barriers for 19 years, so she’s got a good grasp of the practical side of things. And now know what works and what’s annoying to work with at two in the morning.

Christina is happy to showcase mobile stages, stages and bleachers and other equipment in our showroom in Slagelse and at trade fairs.

Claus Larsen

Claus is an AV technician and has worked with stages, stands and AV equipment for 43 years, so he has immense experience to draw on when advising customers.

He previously owned a large AV company with both rental and sales for many years, and Claus has also been the chief technician responsible for the large Fantour with mobile stage and LED screen during the European Football Championships in 2008 and 2012.

And he has also been employed in the Event Department at the Danish Industry Association’s headquarters at Rådhuspladsen in Copenhagen.

Besøg vores showroom

Kom og se og prøv vores scener, tribuner, mobilscener, crowd barriers, stativer og stolesæder. Vores showroom i Slagelse ligger bare 3 minutter fra motorvejsafkørsel 39 – Slagelse S.

Ring til os inden, så vi ikke er ude at køre:
+45 31 15 77 77

Meet us at the fairs