Tinghøj Service Udlejning



“The Nivtec stage is incredibly easy and quick to set up”

Before buying the first Nivtec stage, Tinghøj Service Udlejning built their own stages out of wooden pallets and then laid the floor on top of them.
– But it was a hassle lugging those pallets back and forth. It was heavy work and took time – today we just drive the cart with the podiums up in the back of the car… And even the stage is so incredibly easy and quick to set up, because you don’t have to crawl around and tighten it with clamps or couplings, says Svenning Kjær Pedersen.
He owns Tinghøj Service Udlejning near Varde, which in 2017 was named Party Hirer of the Year by the industry association Danske Festudlejere.
– We mainly use the stages for private parties – a 12m2 stage is perfect for a 3-6 piece band, and the musicians are happy to have a real stage to play on. And we also use the stage podiums under our lecterns for various events,” says Svenning.

Earning money throughout the year

The first six stage podiums for a 12m2 stage were purchased in November 2017, and the next in January 2020.
– It went exactly as Claus from Scenesalg.dk had said. Once you’ve got the stage up and running, do you ask customers if they want a stage for their party? And a lot of people actually say yes to that, so we soon found ourselves in need of another stage,” says Svenning.
Another party rental company that Tinghøj Service Udlejning works with also has Nivtec stages, so it’s easy to borrow a few more podiums if you need more than 24m2 of stage space.
Outside of the tent season, they also rent out the stages for events like high school parties, so they make money all year round.
– We wash them occasionally, but otherwise there is no maintenance on the stages. And they’re both on trolleys, so it’s easy to load them into a car or trailer. We have become incredibly fond of these trolleys,” says Svenning.
Tinghøj Service Udlejning has had white stage dresses made to match the inner lining of their tents.

Svenning Kjær Pedersen – Tinghøj Service Udlejning https://www.tsudlejning.dk/


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